4 Bold Leadership Moves Every Successful CEO Uses to Navigate Change

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In my own journey, I know firsthand how leadership and being an entrepreneur can sometimes feel like navigating through stormy seas, especially when I left my corporate career without a clear plan. The landscape was constantly shifting around me, and it was easy to feel overwhelmed by the unknown. But it was in that uncertainty that I found the power of bold leadership. I believe, “Boldness isn’t about being fearless; It is about believing in yourself and stepping forward, even when you feel the fear.” It’s in those moments, when everything feels out of control, that bold leadership becomes not just valuable — but essential.

When I left my corporate career in 2020, I had no roadmap, no clear next step and a whole lot of fear. But I made a bold decision to trust myself, and that leap into the unknown led me to build something more aligned with my true purpose. In the process, I created the BOLD Framework Believe, Own, Learn, and Design — to guide others through times of change and challenge. At this point, fear and freedom were partners with me as I moved forward into building my business and creating a company I believe I was destined to create.

In my book Be BOLD Today, I discuss how fear is often the catalyst for our boldest moves. It’s in the face of uncertainty that leaders must rise, showing up for themselves, their teams and their visions.

Here are four ways to lead boldly in a changing world, even when you feel the fear.

Related: 4 Ways Leaders Can Navigate Change and Find the Hidden Opportunities

1. Believe in your vision (even when the future feels uncertain)

Change can shake the strongest leaders, but bold leadership begins with an unwavering belief in your vision. When I walked away from my corporate job, I didn’t have all the answers, but I had belief belief that there was something bigger for me and that I had the power to create it. That belief was my anchor.

The first step in my BOLD Framework is Believe. As a leader, this belief becomes even more critical during times of uncertainty. It’s the ability to hold fast to your mission, even when the way forward isn’t clear. Your belief in your vision provides stability when everything else feels like it’s shifting.

Action step: Reaffirm your vision daily. In moments of doubt, remind yourself why you started and what you’re working toward. The belief you cultivate will help you push through fear and lead with clarity. You must believe in yourself — your opinion of yourself is paramount to your success. Think of your belief like the “gas” in your tank on the road to your dreams.

2. Own your decisions (even when you feel unsteady)

Leadership during times of change requires making tough decisions — ones that may not always be popular or easy. But bold leaders are those who take full ownership, even when the path forward feels unsteady.

When I co-founded Bold Industries Group with my daughter, I had to own every decision we made, from launching our first product to hiring our first team member. I knew that stepping into ownership was the only way to steer the ship forward.

In the Own phase of the BOLD Framework, you recognize that no one else is responsible for your journey but you. When you take ownership of your decisions, you step into your power as a leader. Even in the face of change, owning your choices builds confidence and resilience.

Action step: In challenging moments, stand by your decisions with confidence. Acknowledge any fear or doubt, but don’t let it dictate your actions. Owning your path, no matter how uncertain, empowers you to lead with strength.

Related: Why Owning Your Decisions Is Critical to Your Success As An Entrepreneur

3. Learn from every shift (because change is your greatest teacher)

If change teaches us anything, it’s that growth often comes from our greatest challenges. When I pivoted from corporate life to entrepreneurship, I didn’t know what I was doing half the time. But I treated every setback as an opportunity to learn. In business and life, change pushes us to adapt, innovate and grow.

In the Learn phase of the BOLD Framework, we embrace the idea that every challenge presents a lesson. As leaders, when we approach change with a mindset of curiosity, we position ourselves to evolve and thrive. Instead of fearing the unknown, bold leaders use it as a chance to learn, recalibrate and move forward.

Action step: Next time you face an unexpected challenge, ask yourself, “What can I learn here?” Whether it’s a new skill, a different perspective or a reimagined approach, every shift offers an opportunity to grow as a leader.

4. Design a bold future (even when the way forward is unclear)

In times of change, it’s easy to feel like you’re reacting instead of leading. But bold leadership means actively designing the future you want to create, even when the path isn’t clear. This is where the Design phase of my framework comes into play.

After believing in your vision, owning your power and learning from the shifts around you, it’s time to design a new course of action. This isn’t about having all the answers — it’s about creating a plan that reflects your bold vision while staying adaptable to the inevitable changes ahead.

When I began building my business, I had to design a future that aligned with my values, my purpose and my bold vision. Every step of the way, I refined the course based on what I learned. That’s the key to bold leadership — designing a path forward while staying flexible enough to adapt.

Action step: Sit down and intentionally map out the next steps in your leadership journey. What do you want to create, and how can you design a bold plan to make it happen? Don’t worry about perfection. Focus on progress, and stay open to adjusting your design as you learn.

Related: Thriving in Chaos: Mastering Uncertainty in Business

Being a bold leader in a world of constant change isn’t about having all the answers or never feeling afraid. It’s about choosing to lead with conviction even when the path ahead is unclear. As I’ve experienced in my own journey, and as I emphasize as my definition of bold, “Boldness is stepping forward even when doubt whispers in your ear — because it’s not the absence of fear, but the decision to rise above it.”

No matter what challenges or uncertainties come your way, remember that you have the power to design your future. Bold leadership is about embracing the unknown, owning your decisions and confidently designing a path forward, knowing that even in the face of fear, you can create something extraordinary.

Now is the time to lead boldly, because the world needs leaders who can turn uncertainty into opportunity that makes a positive difference.

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