5 Proven Strategies to Overcome Self-Doubt and Beat Imposter Syndrome

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Imposter syndrome is that feeling of never being good enough, even with proof you have succeeded. It makes you doubt yourself, credit success to chance and worry about being “found out” to be an imposter. Regardless of the level that an entrepreneur finds themselves at, these are common thoughts and insecurities.

When people start businesses, many of them constantly feel like imposters — a fraud. Although they have great feedback from clients, hitting some major milestones along the way, they have a thought in their heads doubting their capabilities. But it is important to keep this doubt in check. You can overcome this constant nuisance by following the ways I suggest my clients adopt to cope with imposter syndrome.

Related: Feel Like an Imposter? Practice These 5 Habits to Beat Your Imposter Syndrome

Acknowledge the problem and change your mindset

By acknowledging the problem early on, you can put it out of your mind and take a rational approach. Imposter syndrome frequently results from having a strong sense of pride in your job and striving for excellence. Many of my clients gained clarity when they accepted this. Entrepreneurs need to keep in mind that self-doubt is a natural part of the process and does not indicate their value or competence. You can start the process of dealing with it in a positive way by simply admitting its existence.

Another simple way to fight against imposter syndrome is to change your perspective. This looks like battling negative self-talk for my part. Instead of going with thoughts like, “I’m not good enough” or “I do not belong here,” start challenging your truth. You would ask, “What is the evidence of this?” It is the catalyst that will allow you to reshape your outlook and exchange negative self-talk for phrases such as, “We are all learning and growing.”

Track your wins and stop making comparisons

Tracking your wins can also be one of the most powerful tools. The words of an entrepreneur often get trapped in chasing the next goal. They often forget to celebrate what they’ve already achieved. It really helped one of my clients to keep a “success journal” and reflect on his progress, from completing difficult projects to receiving positive feedback from clients. When he used to revisit these moments during tough times, it reminded him of his growth and reinforced his confidence.

Simultaneously, he learned to stop comparing himself with others. He came across this the other day, and it was so eye-opening; social media really was a gateway to his self-doubt because he compared others’ on-stage wins with his backstage struggles. He came to understand that every entrepreneur had their own path, and comparing his against anyone else’s was both wrong and a complete waste of time. He found his peace when he started working on himself rather than comparing himself with the unrealistic representation and got them all back to a step behind.

Related: Real Imposters Don’t Experience Imposter Syndrome. Here’s What That Means for You.

Focus on value and get support

Another method to deal with imposter syndrome is visiting your thoughts from internal fears to external impact. Reminiscing about how your artistry improved their life reignites that purpose within, overcoming the voice of doubt and negativity inside your head. When you realize the tangible impact of your efforts on others, it will help you focus on refining your services rather than feeling insecure.

Asking for support is another game changer. When one of my clients talked to me as her coach about her challenges, she realized that she wasn’t alone. I provided her with numerous other examples similar to hers, which was refreshing, as a part of her felt validated knowing that others also had the same feelings of inadequacy. Then she reasoned that if even successful business owners faced self-doubt, then it was surely easier — in some sick way — to cope with that.

Learn from failure and let go of perfectionism

This is how entrepreneurs are. Entrepreneurs don’t give up easily, but they never go back to being quitters. During a product launch, James, one of my clients, had a significant setback when he first started his own business. He made the decision to do something about it because he knew he never wanted to feel that way again. He realized that it was his failure to include marketing and pricing in his plans that led to the loss. Using those concepts to perfection the next time seemed sensible. Every next time, the product relaunch was successful and removed the desire to collapse on his back. Failure is a place at the bottom of a stairway; it cannot be the destination.

He became aware of his ongoing perfectionism, which he attributed in part to the imposter condition. Individuals like him are never up to perfection since there is always room for improvement. However, there were plenty of opportunities to realize that perfection is really a means to an end, and sometimes even that is superfluous. He started to accept the path he was on, which was “the balance of completion and perfection.” In the end, his efforts produced far better results because he was able to change his focus from achievement to goals realistically.

Embrace balance and celebrate progress

Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential in dealing with imposter syndrome. When you neglect self-care, your stress levels and self-doubt grow. By making regular exercise, balanced meals and enough sleep part of your daily routine, you can start to feel more stable and resilient. The right activities can offer you emotional resilience and help you recharge.

Another important factor in increasing your confidence can be celebrating little accomplishments. People usually brush off small accomplishments because they don’t think they are important enough to celebrate. But you should realize that these little victories — such as finishing a difficult project, acquiring a new client or accomplishing a personal objective — are essential to your career as a whole. Recognizing and praising these achievements can make you feel more accomplished and inspire you to keep going.

Related: 3 Reasons to Celebrate Small Wins in Your Business


With self-awareness and persistent effort, you can manage imposter syndrome, even though it might not entirely go away. It’s crucial to remember that being an entrepreneur is about showing up, taking chances and learning new things all the time — not about being flawless or knowing all the answers. You should tell yourself, “I am learning, adjusting and providing my best efforts every day,” whenever you start to doubt yourself. This kind of thinking can keep you focused on your future path and enable you to prioritize progress over perfection.

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