How to Leverage Your Human Design Profile for Effective Communication and Business Success

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Human Design is a personal assessment and tool leaders can use to understand themselves and their team better.

In human design, the “profile” offers insights into one’s personality strengths and weaknesses. In business, your profile can affect how you communicate with others, perceive the world and showcase the qualities that set you apart.

In human design, there are 12 personality profiles. Each profile has two numbers associated with it, between 1 and 6. These numbers provide themes that give insights into personality. The profile can be thought of as a lighthouse — the light you shine into the world to call people into your business ecosystem.

In business, you can look at your profile to provide insights into how you can speak, write and communicate with others. Your profile has a language to it that you can use to attract people into your world, market yourself, sell, speak with clients and create the foundation for your brand and potential.

Below are prompts and themes to support you in marketing, selling and designing offers using your human design profile.

Human Design line 1

• I investigate
• I see things in black and white
• I support you in building a foundation
• I am a subject matter expert
• I’d always rather have too much information than not enough

Line 1 has the ability to convey the research, insights and groundwork they have meticulously explored. Often regarded as a subject matter expert, Line 1 shares their discoveries from thorough investigations to build a more robust foundation. As an authority in their field, Line 1’s expertise helps identify gaps in any business structure.

It’s essential to ask a Line 1 individual: what elements are lacking in this foundation to pave the way for future business growth?

Related: Human Design for Business: 3 Instant Ways To Magnetize Your Brand Voice

Human Design line 2

• I am selective about who comes into my world
• I am not here to explain my process
• My work is often done in the short term and sparks transformation
• I am here to show you how to evolve
• My work will support you in creating growth

Line 2 can communicate the transformation the business needs to undergo to grow. Line 2, particularly in the workspace, supports co-workers and colleagues in taking their roles to the next level. Line 2 communicates the evolutions that the team needs to expand. Line 2 is a catalyst for transformation whose stories and experiences support business growth.

Ask Line 2: What needs to happen to create growth?

Human Design line 3

• I experiment
• I have tried a lot and will save you lots of trial and error
• I see what is not working faster than other people and therefore…
• I’m not great at sticking to a plan if I know it won’t work.
• I can save clients time/money/resources because I see the best way to take action

Line 3 can communicate the fastest way to move from point A to point B. Line 3 is brilliant at discerning who is optimal for each organizational role. Line 3 is often a strategist who can point out the pitfalls, challenges and people needed to achieve the goal.

Ask Line 3: what is missing in this plan that might need attention?

Human Design line 4

• I am here to listen to you
• I influence my people because I know their needs and can create a movement
• I have strong beliefs and values, and they cannot be shaken
• Those in my network benefit from the network I have cultivated
• I am great at bringing people together in a group.

Line 4 can communicate the organization’s culture, beliefs and values to get others on board. Line 4 speaks, and people listen by sharing what foundation the business is built upon. Line 4 creates movements through communication. Line 4 is an influential communicator, a leader who brings people and critical parties together.

Ask a Line 4: what do the people need in order to get on board with the business initiatives?

Human Design line 5

• I am here to throw out the way it has always been done and show you a new way
• My values are ______ and they are non-negotiable
• I will help you in leveling, elevating and changing the way you see____________.
• If you’ve been stuck and tried everything, then maybe it’s time to consider…
• My way of doing things may seem like they are before my time

Line 5 can communicate what needs to be changed once a business has become stagnant. Line 5 communicates the way forward in crisis. The Line 5 approach may be revolutionary and disruptive. Line 5 is an innovator who can drive the business forward into the future.

Ask a Line 5: How is the company going to survive this crisis?

Related: How to Build a Better Brand With Human-Centered Design

Human Design line 6

• I am here to be of the council when you have a big decision to make
• I see things from a different perspective
• You can trust the advice that I provide
• I observe what is happening in the market and then provide counsel
• I am here to support with big-picture thinking

Line 6 can communicate the most objectively of all of the lines. Line 6 is masterful at seeing all sides of the story to weigh out the best option. The Line 6 communicates options in the midst of change. Line 6 is here to be council by bringing fresh perspectives.

Ask Line 6: how can this be resolved so all parties involved feel seen?

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