A Quick Review Of Mobility Aids And Why They’re So Essential

Mobility implements some people need to get around the house and garden, including your parents. But they are also quite misunderstood. Therefore, this post is here to help. In this quick review of mobility aids, we look at which ones your relatives might need and why they matter so much. Here’s everything you need to know:


A walking stick is often required if your parent or relative has problems with their legs or hips. The additional contact with the floor can help to maintain their balance and keep them upright in situations that might otherwise be touch-and-go. 


Walkers are another excellent option for relatives who need extra help getting out of armchairs and seats. These are essentially frames that provide robust support, allowing them to use their arms and legs to stand in a fully upright position. 

Most walkers have wheels and brakes. These lock into place when the walker is stationary, and then allow the wheels to move freely when your parent or relative is on the go. 


You might also need a wheelchair for your parents, depending on their health conditions and disabilities. You’d be surprised by how often these mobility aids can come in handy, whether it’s going to the store or helping your loved one into the garden. 


Scooters are a wonderful mobility aid because they foster more independence. Your loved one can simply sit on one (a bit like a moped) and use it to go to the store, a club, or the park. There’s no need for anyone else to go with them (as long as it is safe for them to go out by themselves). 

Grab Bars And Shower Chairs

Finally, if you know your loved one has trouble washing and bathing, then you might want to install grab bars and shower chairs. These integrate into your home and provide an additional safety measure in slippery bathrooms. Bars keep your loved one upright, while shower chairs mean they don’t need to stand up in the cubicle (and risk slipping over). 

Why Mobility Aids Are Essential

Given the sheer number of mobility aids on the market, they’re clearly important. But why are they so essential for so many people? 

The main reason is their effect on independence. Your loved ones can enjoy moving around the home with relative ease, without you having to be there to help them all the time. They can also leave the house if they have a scooter or a cane and go shopping or for a walk. There’s no need to ask anyone else’s permission. 

Mobility aids also help to maintain activity levels (which can fall off significantly as your parents get older). Canes and walkers encourage your loved one to continue moving around the home and leave their chairs. 

Finally, mobility aids foster so-called “participation,” allowing your loved one to do more than they otherwise could. For example, they can enjoy hobbies, social occasions, and even work as long as they have the right equipment. 

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