Want to Be an Entrepreneur? Start With These 4 Simple Steps.

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As we head into February 2025, it may come as no surprise that many who set out with ambitious resolutions have already fallen short. In fact, according to a recent USA Today article, “Quitters Day” (January 10) which is less than two weeks from the start of the year has already long passed. So why do so many fall short so quickly?

Frequently, people tend to come up with vague, audacious goals — lose weight, become an entrepreneur, start a new business, etc.. The problem with this type of goal setting is that the goals are daunting and nebulous, so people give up. So what’s the solution? I bet you already have some ideas.

I’m not reinventing the wheel here — suggesting you break big goals down into digestible chunks is nothing new. However, knowing what those small steps should be may feel a little muddled. If your goal for this year is to move closer to becoming an entrepreneur, then you may be motivated by the rewards of business ownership. I call these the Four Horsemen motivators: Autonomy, Time Freedom, Purpose and Financial Freedom.

These life goals are pipe dreams without actions attached, so I’ve compiled a list of four things you can do this year that don’t require a lot of time or money, but can get you in the right frame of mind to figure out if entrepreneurship is the right fit for you.

Related: Considering franchise ownership? Get started now to find your personalized list of franchises that match your lifestyle, interests and budget.

Read a book about entrepreneurship

Before I started my own business, I read. And read. And read. It may not be sexy, but reading is valuable. Before I jumped into the world of franchising, I had three toddlers at home and a to-do list about a mile long. I found that early morning reading while the kids were asleep was my time to explore entrepreneurship. It was in these early morning reading sessions that I researched business opportunities, learned how to create a website, publish a book and so much more that has been invaluable during my journey.

Good news for you? In the years since I started, technology has improved enabling easier access to this information. Consider getting a Kindle Unlimited subscription or buying a few books on Audible, or even listening for free on Spotify. Find books that speak to you — search for books on side hustles, franchising, starting a business, etc. Listening to this content is convenient and can be done while completing other tasks.

Related: Here’s how we determined the annual Franchise 500 ranking — and what we learned from the data.

Speak with someone you admire

If your goal is to change your circumstances, you have to put yourself in the way of those who are on a similar path to our goals. Seek out business owners who are living the lifestyle you want to emulate and pick their brain. Meet them for coffee, ask about their journey, take notes and start to think about how some of their big “ah-ha” moments and points of transition could be mapped onto your life.

How do you find these people? Network with other parents at your kid’s school or sports team. Attend city events and chamber of commerce meetings. If you have friends who are professionals – especially attorneys, bankers and accountants — then they are all working with entrepreneurs. Take them out to lunch and ask them about clients they have and their success stories — find a common thread.

Another option is to visit a business you already frequent and ask to speak with the owner. Most every small business owner is going to be willing to talk with a customer. Additionally, you may find it valuable to get in contact with someone like a consultant who specializes in the transition into entrepreneurship.

Related: The One Factor the Top Franchises of 2025 Have in Common

Use social media

This one is easy to do – it’s research, but it’s lightweight. If you follow sports or other passive topics on social media, then you’re already doing this. Next time you’re scrolling, direct your social media to follow entrepreneurs.

As a franchise consultant, I’ve come to learn that many candidates I have worked with started out as people who followed my content – often for years. My content gave them the courage to take the next step. Follow the content — it’s going to give you confidence and important know-how.

Related: Explore the full 2025 Franchise 500 list, complete with category rankings.

Adjust your mindset

Misery loves company — don’t fall into becoming a complainer or someone who “life happens to.” That’s a scarcity mindset talking, and you need to shut that kind of thinking down NOW. Focus your efforts on shifting to an abundance mindset. Adopt the mantra “if there is a will there’s a way.” Read the philosophy of the Stoics — you can’t control your environment but you can always control your response. Every perceived obstacle can be an opportunity.

Look, chances are that just because you’ve been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug doesn’t mean your friends and family will be as excited at the prospect. After all, people who care about you won’t want to see you get hurt. Having a support system is a great thing, but make sure you aren’t surrounding yourself with people who are only bringing doubts to the conversation.

It can sound a little “woo-woo” but trust me, I’ve seen time and time again candidates who surprise me and achieve great things when they surround themselves with positive voices. Mindset is fundamental for entrepreneurship. Even if it feels cheesy – put positivity in the way of your routine.

Entrepreneurship isn’t easy. If you aren’t willing to invest a little time upfront to even determine whether entrepreneurship is the right fit, then you have your answer. If, on the other hand, you are eager to get started, block some time on your schedule and plan to take one small action each week to move closer to your goal. These small gains will snowball quickly.

Related: After Decades of Hard Work, This Couple Is Living the Entrepreneurial Dream. Here’s How They Achieved Generational Wealth

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