Your Words Only Tell a Fraction of the Story — Here's Why Tone and Body Language Actually Matter More

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Have you ever faced a situation where you found your words insufficient to convey the required message? Your words are not the only means to convey your message; effective communication demands much more than words only. Studies show that words convey only 7% of the message while the rest of the 93% message is conveyed through the tone and body language of the speaker. This idea revolves around Dr. Albert Mehrabian’s famous 7-38-55 Rule. This framework explains how we convey the majority of messages through nonverbal prompts.

This article highlights the different mechanisms of the 7-38-55 Rule and explains the oral, vocal and nonverbal aspects of communication. You’ll also learn practical tips to enhance your vocabulary, tone and body language to become a proficient communicator and develop deeper connections with others.

Related: One Negotiation Expert Shares the 4 Body Language Cues Every Entrepreneur Should Recognize

Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 Rule

A well-known psychologist, Dr. Albert Mehrabian, developed the 7-38-55 Rule around 1970. He researched how people interpret ambiguous or emotionally charged messages. Mehrabian concluded that spoken words, tone and body language are vital components in communication. According to his findings, the message is mainly determined by tone and body language, while the spoken words only have a little weight in conveying the message.

A closer look at the 7-38-55 breakdown

7% verbal: This relates to the actual words spoken by the speaker, whether they are giving a speech, talking to someone about something or even asking for something — just 7% of the impact comes from the spoken words.

38% vocal: This relates to the tone of the speaker; 38% of the message is conveyed through the tone, pitch and pace. A phrase spoken with eagerness sounds real and different from the same phrase being uttered with boredom or sarcasm in the voice.

55% nonverbal: Most of the communication, including 55% of the total message, is related to body language. It includes the facial expressions, gestures, posture and eye contact of the speaker. These nonverbal prompts can either support or contradict the message conveyed through words.

The relevance and context of the rule

The use of Mehrabian’s rule is dependent on the message you want to convey. If you are communicating factual or instructional information, the verbal content has higher significance. But when you want to impart certain emotions or attitudes, it’s important to understand how your words complement how you’re speaking and how you’re moving.

The 7%: Enhancing your verbal communication

According to the 7-38-55 Rule, verbal communication is only 7% of your influential impact, but words do have a considerable role. Your message is constructed and understood through your words.

Why word choice matters

Your choice of words has the capacity to inspire, condition or repulse. It depends upon the manner you pick and utilize your words. Intelligent word choices help build clarity and connection, while bad ones usually give rise to confusion or misunderstanding.

Improving verbal communication: The practical ways

  1. Clarity and brevity: Keep your conversation clear and concise to promote better understanding and engagement. Avoid using complicated language.
  2. Intentional speaking: Think before you speak and consider the message you want to convey. It will help you use the right words and help people understand your point.
  3. Eliminate filler words: Avoid saying useless words like “um,” “like” and “you know, etc.” Eliminating these fillers will give your communication more authority and clarity.

Related: 4 Expert-Backed Strategies for Improving Your Communication Skills

The 38%: Using your voice effectively

According to Mehrabian, how you say things is more important than what you say. The meaning of your words can change considerably based on the tone you use in your voice.

Importance of tone in communication

Tone is a central aspect of your communication. It echoes your feelings, thoughts and ideas. A flat tone can indicate indifference, while a warm, enthusiastic tone inspires interaction. It can be a decisive factor in determining the reception of your message.

Refining your vocal delivery

  1. Tone matching: The content of your message should support the tone of your message.
  2. Pitch control: While using a high pitch may make us sound nervous, using a lower pitch surely shows a great deal of confidence.
  3. Controlled pacing: It can be disastrous to speak either too quickly or too slowly. It may overwhelm your audience or leave them bored. Maintain a balance to keep your listeners engaged.

The 55%: Maximize nonverbal communication

According to the rules of Mehrabian, more than half of your communication impact is nonverbal. Your body language, including your facial expression, posture and gestures, can convey a lot — it all affects how your message is interpreted.

The impact of body language

Gestures do an excellent job of either supporting or contradicting the verbal message with the spoken ones. For example, when looking at the jobseekers, if one can’t look you in the eye or if they seem too nervous or fidgety, they are instantly seen in a negative way by hiring managers. Specifically, a survey from CareerBuilder revealed that over two-thirds of employers stated that they are less likely to consider a job candidate who’s incapable of maintaining eye contact. Something that is very valuable in the working environment is when people are calm and sure in their actions. But if a candidate’s nonverbal communication still is not portraying this, then unfortunately, they might come across as less powerful than they are indeed.

Strategies to improve nonverbal communication

  1. Maintain eye contact: Even while you maintain a steady gaze, eye contact expresses engagement and trust. Staring might come across as creepy, so avoid doing it regularly. Instead, use eye contact as a gesture when speaking.
  2. Use facial expressions: Your face conveys much more powerful emotions than your words ever will.
  3. Use purposeful gestures and open posture: Your words become more meaningful with your gestures, but don’t overuse them. Use controlled gestures to point out important points during your conversation.

Related: 4 Body Language Mistakes You Didn’t Realize You’re Making at Work — And How to Fix Them


Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 Rule demonstrates that body language and tone of voice are far more important in communicating your message than words alone. Aligning these elements is crucial in negotiations, team leadership and one-on-one conversations. Learning these elements not only improves message delivery but also strengthens relationships. By paying attention to body language and tone in combination with words, powerful communication can be achieved.

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